This is the GWML interface. The icons are as follows:
Top row: Launch; Add; Remove; Make Copy; Create Shortcut; Create Master Shortcut.
In the middle are the paths to your GW executables (made using the Add icon above, deleted with the Remove.)
Under that is the command line where you add all your normal GW switches such as -perf, -password, -windowed, -dx8, -noshaders or whatever.
Bottom row: Set path; Kill Mutex; Start TexMod; a check box for attempting to run two accounts from one GW executable - not stable and only useful for somebody with very limited HDD space (I guess) - and Exit.
That's all there is to it, beautiful in its simplicity.
Don't ask me what Kill Mutex is though - I think it's a "when all else fails" button for when only one client starts up.
Si non confectus, non reficiat